Jineolojî believes in “the wisdom and power of female human being” that Jeanne Achterberg expressed in her book called ‘Women as Healer’; “Immediately after the emergence of human beings, female human was considered as an extraordinary source of wisdom and power. It was her who can give a soul, save a soul; therefore, she was the one who was the healer of sick bodies and purposeless souls. At the same time, she could injure and kill, for this reason; she had served as a passage to dreams, imaginations and senses beyond the world. Women were mysterious and powerful, especially those who gave birth, nourished their babies from their bodies.” Jineolojî does not accept the denial of this wisdom that has been imposed by the positivist view of the West, and the subsequent appropriation of these values based on the Greek mythology. From the emergence of the symbols of the health science to its inventions, it criticizes the approach attributing the origins of these to the western world, namely the ancient Greece. For this reason, Jineolojî struggles to transform the health sector. Especially in the Middle East where the society has been greatly affected by colonisation, massacres and genocides, Jineolojî strives to turn it once more into the healing hands by examining the wisdom and resources of women in the Middle East and other regions that have been colonised.
Jineolojî tries to compile the labour of everyone, who has made a great effort to cure people without expectations, through the history. It aims to organize health academies where healers of a new generation can be trained and internalise this point of view. It develops an understanding of education that will enable female and male healers to give training in the communes as well as to the graduates of faculties of medicine in its academies.