Jineolojî and Economy

The area of economy is the main field where social crime is based. It is through economy that the society is forced to surrender, particularly women. The role of the conditioned despair of society and individuals is very important in this respect. The “learned helplessness” does not have faith in the advance of change, action and willpower in this field. The basic revolution that Jineolojî should make is overcoming this learned hopelessness. Our economic activities will not attain the democratic communal essence if the idea of ‘living in poverty within wealth’ and making a habit of this idea are not changed. Women, who had improved economy at the beginning of social history, can also embrace this essence of theirs today, provide economic activities in which the whole society can be involved, and restructure economy as ‘the essential structure of existence’.

Jineolojî considers some of the basic principles of economics. It will aim to develop an economic perspective based on a new labour-value theory perspective that is based on the maternal labour of women. Economic analysis will be carried out for the purpose of encouraging economic projects that are inspired by the ones at the time of the mother goddess era. They should contribute to reviving a collective economic culture, for every society and community, aiming to be self-sufficient, enabling neighbours’ mutual cooperation and complementing each other.

Famine, poverty and unemployment are supposed to disappear in history when the field of economy reaches the perspective of Jineolojî. The economic sphere, which is the main pillar of social life, could be reconstructed with this goal and will power. The idea “The problem in economy basically starts with the exclusion of women from the economy” makes us believe that in order to solve economic problems women should reappear in the economic field. Further, economic activities should be rebuilt with women’s mind, hands and mentality. With the joint efforts of Democratic Modernity forces it will succeed in organizing collective, ecological and just economic activities, which are the basic principles of social existence.  

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